All Religion is Dead…

Eric Von Kimble
6 min readJun 17, 2017

In an effort to be totally transparent, clear and concise I respectfully deny Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I also deny all other religious positions of any culture, cult and organization. To be clear, this is not a bashing of religion nor a condescending rebuke, but one man’s position on exposing age old beliefs that have clouded and polluted the minds of billions of people throughout the generations.
The misinterpretations and contradictions of myths, poorly written stories and parables wrapped in universal truths is insurmountable specifically in relation to the Christian Bible which is remarkable how it has survived this long.

I fear that for many Christians, there is no changing their minds or even the consideration that what they believe may be completely false or invalid for a few reasons:
1. Fear of the unknown.
Whether it be eternal life: Heaven or Hell
Where do bad people go?

2. Morals: How to govern ones life

3. Who to pray to: Sense of security

4. What to believe then: How to move forward

When I truly turned away and denied my faith in God, I experienced so much anxiety, doubt and fear over the next few days my life felt meaningless.
Feelings so great they would scare many of the faith back into the faith even if they didn’t believe it.
Just to be on the safe side they would rather believe than not.
I know, because I did this several times over the years before actually doing it and not looking back.

This is mind control, and a slave mentality.
Thinking you will be better off in Christ because the risk (not believing) seems greater than the reward (freedom)
because you think (not believing) equals death

As days passed and I allowed myself to live and go through my usual routine now as a non believer, I felt a new freedom that I had not known before. I saw the world with seemingly new eyes. I felt I had a new clean slate to think and believe as only I chose
I felt alone
I often felt a fear, that God would lay the smackdown on me at any moment but the more I stood my ground, the more I saw that He really wasn’t there to begin with.
My routines of prayer became just regular conversation, contemplation and reflection on how to explain my new found freedom with the world.

I knew that coming out as a Atheist would scare many people around me, friends and family. Questions would arise as the above:
where do you go when you die?
Where do you get your morals?
And, so what do you believe then?

I had no answers to the questions and I was okay with not having it all yet. The difference between myself and believers however is, they have answers to these questions even if they are wrong.

My intention has never been to necessarily kill the fellowship of a united people in pursuit of a common goal, but to kill God.
Or at least our current understanding of Him
He had to be stopped.

If there is a God, I am certain He is not in the Bible, the Quran or any other book.

I fear we have this idea of God all wrong. If He is true, my mission in life is to search out, uncover and examine the seemingly unknowable truth.
The Bible states to know God one must have FAITH.

The dictionary defines faith as a belief that is not based on proof.
In essence, this means one cannot prove God. So case closed, right?


If faith reveals truth then what reveals lies?
How can one know the truth if you have no proof?
Then how do you know what is a lie?
There in lies the key.

Time is wasting and I have no more to waste on mysterious spirituality.
God is welcome here whether He decides to prove Himself to the world or not, as far as I can see, He seems to be a deadbeat if He won’t show up to the people he decided to create and abandon.

If we have to search for Him through ways not provable (FAITH) then, our imaginations may fool us by mere coincidence, signs and emotions privy only to believers or His chosen people.

This is experiential. Feeling God for yourself is not a miracle.

Can a Atheist be cured from cancer? Is that a miracle from a God they don’t believe in?
Can a Believer die a horrible and violent death as an innocent bystander near an accident? Was this God’s will for them?

Only God know right?

Despite religious belief, there is hope in the world. There is good in the world. We as a human race don’t have it all together, but much good can come from every person.

God has nothing to do with you choosing to do right by your fellow man.

Let’s not be oblivious to the facts,
Anyone claiming to know the absolute TRUTH about anything whether Religion or Evolution for that matter is arrogant as fuck.

If this reading offends you causing you to unfriend me, then you probably were never a friend to begin with.
People express themselves all the time here, whats makes me different? Do you think I am wicked, full of sin and just want to do wrong?

Don’t jump to conclusions so quickly.

Who is afraid to put their God on trial?
Maybe God will prove Himself to us, making a believer out of us once and for all, then He can do that rapture thing.

That will be the day I will rejoice because then all these children He allows to suffer in the world countries can hopefully come to an end.
Malnutrition, Rape, Genocide the list goes on.
Its not like this shit just started either. Read the Bible it’s been going on since the beginning of time, at least according to itself.

But God is perfect and we are not, right?
Well if He is the Alpha and the Omega, He already knew this was going to happen and can stop it at any time, but He doesn’t.

So go ahead and be holier than thou, preach your sermons of how great God is and what He brought you out of.
That new house He blessed you with or that new job.
How much money you making now? What a blessing!!!

Meanwhile, innocent children are being raped, tortured and abused to death all over the world who have nothing to do with what they are born into, but it’s okay because God has a purpose for them.
Shout for Jesus for what He has done !

I can’t shout and praise dance for financial blessings or other vanity knowing this.
I am happy life is going so well for you.

Of course we do all we can to contribute to their relief by donating, creating charities and so much more, but what is God doing? Really?

Hopefully this message, allows you to think for yourself for a change and not just buy everything your pastor tells you just because of their influence over you or how you were raised. We can be raised to think in error.

My intent is that this opens up a dialogue for many believers who have felt the same as I do for a long time and just afraid to actually come out.
My hope is that courage finds you.

In my humble opinion, the church needs reform.
The church is a museum, with people in it.

Together I believe we can make the world a better place.
I believe we can learn more about the afterlife instead of just assuming.
I believe morals are innate and already apart of us mostly.
There are universal truths we do understand.
I believe in us.


One concerned Human Being

